Atkinson tree extravaganza {Family Session}

I went home to Georgia for a short visit last week and my best friend requested I come along with her family while they hunted down a tree, so I did! I always have a good time photographing them, they are a fun family. With 5 goofy girls to follow around I never get bored. Here's your sneak peak Andrea and Merry Christmas to you guys!


crystalkupper said...

You were just in GA last week? Goodness, you're all over the map!

My name is Kristen! said...

yeah, just for the weekend. suprise baby shower for my cousin, she's having her first baby. lol.

andrea atkinson said...

Thanks for taking our pics. I should be getting our christmas card in the next couple of days and will be sending one your way.

My name is Kristen! said...

you're welcome!!